Writing your own error reporting logic

The DerivationTree is a custom binary tree where leaves are external incompatibilities, defined as follows,

fn main() {
pub enum External<P: Package, V: Version> {
    NotRoot(P, V),
    NoVersion(P, Range<V>),
    UnavailableDependencies(P, Range<V>),
    FromDependencyOf(P, Range<V>, P, Range<V>),

and nodes are derived incompatibilities, defined as follows.

fn main() {
pub struct Derived<P: Package, V: Version> {
    pub terms: Map<P, Term<V>>,
    pub shared_id: Option<usize>,
    pub cause1: Box<DerivationTree<P, V>>,
    pub cause2: Box<DerivationTree<P, V>>,

The terms hashmap contains the terms of the derived incompatibility. The rule is that terms of an incompatibility are terms that cannot be all true at the same time. So a dependency can for example be expressed with an incompatibility containing a positive term, and a negative term. For example, "root" at version 1 depends on "a" at version 4, can be expressed by the incompatibility {root: 1, a: not 4}. A missing version can be expressed by an incompatibility with a single term. So for example, if version 4 of package "a" is missing, it can be expressed with the incompatibility {a: 4} which forbids that version. If you want to write your own reporting logic, I'd highly suggest a good understanding of incompatibilities by reading first the section of this book on internals of the PubGrub algorithm.

The root of the derivation tree is usually a derived incompatibility containing a single term such as { "root": 1 } if we were trying to solve dependencies for package "root" at version 1. Imagine we had one simple dependency on "a" at version 4, but somehow that version does not exist. Then version solving would fail and return a derivation tree looking like follows.

Derived { root: 1 }
	├─ External dependency { root: 1, a: not 4 }
	└─ External no version { a: 4 }

The goal of error reporting is to transform that tree into a friendly human-readable output. It could be something like:

This project depends on version 4 of package a which does not exist
so version solving failed.

One of the subtleties of error reporting is that the binary derivation tree is actually a DAG (directed acyclic graph). Occasionally, an incompatibility may cause multiple derived incompatibilities in the same derivation tree such as below, where the incompatibility 2 is used to derive both incompatibilities 4 and 5.

                          +----------+        +----------+
                 +------->|incompat 4|------->|incompat 1|
                 |        +----------+        +----------+
                 |                |
          +----------+            |           +----------+
  (root)  |incompat 6|            +---------->|incompat 2|  (shared)
          +----------+            |           +----------+
                 |                |
                 |        +----------+        +----------+
                 +------->|incompat 5|------->|incompat 3|
                          +----------+        +----------+

For ease of processing, the DerivationTree duplicates such nodes in the tree, but their shared_id attribute will hold a Some(id) variant. In error reporting, you may want to check if you already gave an explanation for a shared derived incompatibility, and in such cases maybe use line references instead of re-explaning the same thing.